Economic History
Results: Displaying 10 of 454 on page 38 of 46
"Agro is everything": productive restructuring and hegemony of agribusiness in B...
Origins of radical thought and politics in Latin America: a comparative study between...
The exit tax levied on slaves departing from Bahia to the mining áreas in the first...
The contracts of the tithes from the seventeenth century Bahia: economy, society...
Revolução vascaína: the professionalisation of football and the socio-economic status...
The factory iron St. John Ipanema: economics and politics in the last decades of...
Financial development and development growth: the modernization of Brazilian Financial...
Stages of economic development in Brazil: exercise rostowiano
Foreign capital and electrical energy in Brazil: a study about suppliers companies...
"Give to Cesar what is to Cesar": from tithe to ICMS - roots of taxation on cons...
Results: Displaying 10 of 454 on page 38 of 46