Etudes Linguistiques, Littéraires et de Traduction en français
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 214 à l'page 2 de 22
Image and text in translation: an analysis of the translation process in comics
Online oral interactions in teaching French as a foreign language: the Cefradis ...
Variations of the myth of Nemesis in Albert Camuss writings
From Arcadia to Paris: readings of stories, stories of readings
André Gide and Georges Perec: the potential dialogues
Free indirect speech in Madame Bovary by Flaubert: the emergence of the form
The FSL beginning teachers: challenges and possibilities of their work
Mirror Labyrinth devices and configurations of the impasse in Bouvard...
Discursive reformulations in performance(s): the inscription in foreign languag...
Terminology of photovoltaic solar energy for terminographic purposes: a study based...
Résultats: Montrant 10 de 214 à l'page 2 de 22