Estudios Lingüisticos y Literarios en Inglés
Resultados: Listando 10 de 429 en la página 33 de 43
Portraits of James Joyce translators as agents of literary translation in Brazil:...
A traductory odissey of 'Ulysses': analisis of translations of James Joyce's w...
Truth regimes and cultural representations in English textbooks for business
Itinerant Narratives: French-British aspects of brazilian fiction, in Nineteenth-Century...
Amitav ghoshs Sea of poppies (2008): a web of gender, cultural and mythic relations...
Between east and west: the voices of crossing in Amitav Ghosh
The civilization-sivilization of Huckleberry Finn: a translation proposal
Typical Brazilian cooking translated into English: a corpus-based research
Brazilians image in north-american discourse in typical cookbooks: a corpus-driven...
About old wine in new bottles: problematizations of homogeneity and universality...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 429 en la página 33 de 43