Estudios Lingüisticos y Literarios en Inglés
Resultados: Listando 10 de 429 en la página 42 de 43
Harmony and tone: the mild power of the popular brazilian music and the identity...
Translating Brazil: Jorge Amado's mestizo country
Crystal spirit: a study on Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell
Academic discourse and foreign language teacher education: issues on teaching, subject...
Webactivism and the June Days: spring of a discursive event
English: 'subject of problems' in elementary and high school?
'The Wonder Years': the American identity through television
Transmedia narratives: learning, communication and content strategists in multi-platform...
Rewriting process in three plays by Thomas Murphy
"One cannot fight a battle in whispers": Yeatss epistolary practice and the public...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 429 en la página 42 de 43