Literary Theory and Comparative Literature
Results: Displaying 10 of 409 on page 21 of 41
Abstracción e informalismo después de 1945: de Pedrosa e Greenberg a la Nueva Prosa...
The falling bourgeois: alienation and the crisis in drama in Ibsen's The masterb...
The voice of voices: a Bakhtinian reading of Grande sertão: veredas
Faust and the devil representation in literature: a comparative study of Faustian...
The faithful and the rock and classical epics: dialogues and forms
Orgy of exception: a literary project outline Reinaldo Moraes
Pact in Capão Pecado: the margins to the center of the text, the text inside the...
The poetry of Bagagem, by Adélia Prado
The Via Crucis of consciousness in O braço direito by Otto Lara Resende
The eve of the trapeze artist (a reading of the poetry of Antônio Carlos de Brit...
Results: Displaying 10 of 409 on page 21 of 41