Literary Theory and Comparative Literature
Results: Displaying 10 of 409 on page 24 of 41
Criticism of the Past, Refusal of the "New": the dynamics of time in Pedreira das...
Desire and writing in Flaubert's youth
Serpent in spiral (the eroticism movement in Avalovara)
The ficwriter and the Fanfiction field: a reflection on the shape of Contemporary...
From Katai to Dazai: notes for morphology of the novel of the self
The life and the life of the reader: a concept formed before the mirror
Discovery and limitation: the autobiographical books by Graciliano Ramos
Macunaíma's path of no return
The mukashi banashi of the Japanese literature: an analysis about the female and...
Necessary novel: aesthetics and intention of the epistolary novel La Nouvelle Héloïse...
Results: Displaying 10 of 409 on page 24 of 41