Resultados: Listando 10 de 671 en la página 17 de 68
Molecular characterization of secreted proteins of Schistosoma mansoni VAL (Venom...
Production of recombinant protein LOPAP (Lonomia obliqua caterpillar Prothrombin...
Expression of communication proteins and cellular junctions in the rumen of bovine...
Evaluation of the radioactive effluents from the Mineral Treatment Unit of the Brazilian...
Evaluation of environmental effects of uranium mining's radioactive effluents on...
Development of the bioreactor performance qualification methodology to be use in...
Diversity and structure of bacterial communities associated to the traps of the carnivorous...
Circulation of influenza A viruses in domestic ducks in the Amazon region by detecting...
Study of the potential of adjuvants toxoids Stx1 and Stx2 of Escherichia coli on...
Evaluation of neutralizing ability and reactivity of anti-rotavirus SA-11 IgA and...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 671 en la página 17 de 68