Ecology of Agroecosystems
Results: Displaying 10 of 88 on page 6 of 9
N-15 natural abundance in the Amazon forest and Cerrado - implications for nitrogen...
The migration as an adaptive strategy in human rural populations from Novo Cruzeiro,...
Influence of vegetation cover on nutrient cycling in soil solution at the area of...
Distribution of blue-winged macaw primolius maracanã: habitat preferences and factors...
Diversity of litter frogs in Atlantic Forest fragments and eucalyptus saligna plantations...
Livestock predation by big cats in north state of the Goiás
Ethnoentomological, socioeconomic and ecological aspects related to the yerba mate...
Decomposição de resíduos culturais e emissão de gases do efeito estufa em sistemas...
Distribution and abundance of birds in relation to land use in Passa-Cinco river...
The hunting and its effect on the occurrence of medium and large mammals in preserved...
Results: Displaying 10 of 88 on page 6 of 9