Toxicología y Análisis Toxicológicos
Resultados: Listando 10 de 198 en la página 4 de 20
Evaluation of occupational exposure to organophosphate pesticides in greenhouses...
Determination of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA - Ecstasy), 3,4-methyle...
In vitro exposure effect of polychlorinated biphenyl n° 126
Development and application of analytical method for psychoactive substances determination...
Activity of antioxidant systems of microalgae Minutocellus Polymorphus when exposed...
Evaluation of nicotine and cotinine levels by gas chromatography, in urine passive...
Ocurrence study for arsenic, mercuric and selenium compounds in shark sample commercialized...
Characterization of the effects of Amblyomin-X on angiogenesis and endothelial c...
Effects of lipid-core nanocapsules with acetyleugenol in melanomas: in vivo and in...
Investigation of mechanisms of action of Amblyomin-X on in vivo on VEGF-induced ...
Resultados: Listando 10 de 198 en la página 4 de 20