Economía Aplicada
Resultados: Listando 10 de 242 en la página 7 de 25
Measuring the welfare costs of business cycles in Latin America 2016
Essays on the political bond on the boards of directors of [B3] companies
Welfare effects of monetary integration: an analysis for economies with frictions...
The determinants of teachers occupation choice: an analysis of market wages differential...
The infuence of safety information on automobile's demand: the case of Latin NCAP...
The determinants of teacher turnover in Brazil: an analysis based on data SAEB 2...
Essays on consumption predictability
Consumption's Structural Model and Parameter Instability
Determinats of acces to rural credit: a study based on a survey of agricultural production...
Impacts of innovation activity: a study for the paulista industry
Resultados: Listando 10 de 242 en la página 7 de 25