Social Change and Political Participation
Results: Displaying 10 of 141 on page 3 of 15
Case study of the Chico Mendes Ecological Park in Vila Curuçá, East side of São Paulo:...
The Programa de Metas of São Paulo City: a analysis of the civil society participation...
Democracy at School: Limits and Possibilities from the Case Study at Escola do Camarão...
Governance in the managing council of the Environmental Protected Area Bororé- Colônia,...
Pastoral Carcerária: political participation and Humans Rights
School and resistance: the case of the self-managed High School of Paris
Integration of young people into the world of work: study on the Inside the Scene...
Socio-environmental dimension and protagonism of the parturient
Public policy councils and residents associations: a case study of participatory...
Paradigms of the institutionalization of children and adolescents in Brazil: the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 141 on page 3 of 15