International Relations
Results: Displaying 10 of 263 on page 25 of 27
Differences in international trade policies in South America: trends and challenges...
The effect of diplomacy in attracting foreign investment in Brazil: a vector autoregression...
Translation of the Unified Health System (SUS) principles in the Global Health field:...
Coalitions on international minimum labor standards at ILO: an international political...
China in the backyard: Chinese assertiveness and United States' hegemony in Latin...
The IPE of the Chinese ascension as a key global player
Essays on the role of the economy and institutions in soft power and hard power
The Committee on Regional Trade Agreements: a symptom of WTO breakdown?
Homosexualidad y matrimonio en Ibero-América: cambios psicosociales e institucio...
Measuring forces in cyberspace: An application of Social Network Analysis to measure...
Results: Displaying 10 of 263 on page 25 of 27