Anatomy of Domestic and Wild Animals
Results: Displaying 10 of 565 on page 13 of 57
Morphoquantitative evaluation of the effects of protein deprivation and refeeding...
Gross anatomy of the musculoskeletal system of the thoracic limb and brachial plexus...
Usefulness of decellularized extracelular matrixes as a component of functional ...
Development of a multidisciplinary teaching & learning tool of horses neuroanatomy...
Evaluation of the antitumor activity of the liposomal formulation DODAC 2AEH2F and...
Anatomical and functional basis of locomotion of the white- eared opossum (Didelphis...
Immunophenotyping of leukocytes in the bovine placenta
Structural and ultrastructural features of myotendinous junction of the sternomastoid...
Influence of the physical activity on the initial aging of myenteric plexus...
Quantitative and morphometric evaluation of nadh-d stained mienteric neurons of the...
Results: Displaying 10 of 565 on page 13 of 57