Experimental and Comparative Pathology
Results: Displaying 10 of 366 on page 9 of 37
Phenotypic and functional characterization of dendritic cells following unilateral...
Evaluation of coup and countercoup and pattern of diffuse axonal injury in cases...
Bioassay-guided phytochemical study of Amorimia rigida (Malpighiaceae): 1. Purification...
Evaluation of Mascagnia rigida toxics effects, in rats. Pathological study. Comparison...
Emerging antimicrobial resistance determinants in poultry and swineEscherichia coli...
Antimicrobial resistance and virulence of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated...
Validation and use of reverse transcription followed by real-time polymerase chain...
Survey of selected infectious agents in armadillos from Pantanal, in Mato Grosso...
Characterization of the antinociceptive effect of peptides homologous to the C-terminus...
Association between experimental infection by Mycoplasma pneumoniae and/or Chlamydophila...
Results: Displaying 10 of 366 on page 9 of 37