Veterinary Clinical Surgery
Results: Displaying 10 of 283 on page 27 of 29
In vitro evaluation of castor polymer associated with calcium carbonate with gentamicin...
Morphologic and morphometric evaluation of the larynx, pharynx and trachea by radiography...
Clinical evaluation of the effects of continuous infusion of fentanyl, ketamine or...
Kinectic analysis of dogs with hip osteoarthritis submitted to extracorporeal shockwave...
Correlation between hip dysplasia degree and locomotion kinetic analysis in German...
Evaluation of somatosensory and transcranial motor evoked potentials techniques in...
Development and evaluation of a substitute method for hemostasis practice in chemically...
Retrospective study on the presence of tooth resorption in domestic dogs (Canis lupus...
Effects of dexmedetomidine by epidural or continuous intravenous infusion in cats...
Evaluation of laparoscopic nephrosplenic ablation technique using staples, with or...
Results: Displaying 10 of 283 on page 27 of 29