Veterinary Clinical Surgery
Results: Displaying 10 of 283 on page 28 of 29
Use of homologous pericardium for laparoscopic vaginal ring closure in horses
Ocular biometry and its relation with gender, age, size, weight and dimensionsof...
Development of a rehabilitation protocol for inicial postoperative period of arthroscopy...
Randomized single-blinded prospective study of ozone therapy versus electroacupuncture...
Embryo transfer in oviduc of ovine in vitro fertilized by laparoscopy
Retrospective study of radiographs of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in do...
Retrospective study of 3055 pets referred to ODONTOVET® (Veterinary Dental Center)...
Ozoniotherapy in the treatment of periodontitis in dogs
Salpingectomy and deferentectomy in capybara (Hydrochoerus Hydrochaeris): laparoscopic...
Evaluation of chitosan/glycero phosphate hydrogel as scaffold for equine stem ce...
Results: Displaying 10 of 283 on page 28 of 29