Physical Activity and Sport
Results: Displaying 10 of 90 on page 2 of 9
Effect of strength stability training of plantar flexor muscles on the postural oscillation...
Self-organization of the handball game: comparative analysis of different categories...
Characterization of offensive strategies under the influence of contextual variables...
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fitness Test: proposing a physical test with technical and physiological...
Impact of multicomponent training on physical capacities and visceral fat in elderly...
Effects of different densities of aerobic training on physiological and physical...
The socioeconomic impact on physical education professionals during the COVID-19...
Classification of the nutritional status of young adults using the fat mass index:...
Development of a sensorized device to apply the myofascial mobilization technique...
The ankle position during the flexor table exercise does not influence the muscle...
Results: Displaying 10 of 90 on page 2 of 9