Agronomic Statistics and Experimentation
Results: Displaying 10 of 480 on page 17 of 48
Optimum designs in sugarcane experiments
Methods of analysis and interpretation of intercropping experiments
Rathie-Swamee Model: Aplications and extension for regression models
Bivariate response regression models with copulas: Sensitivity and residual anal...
Comparation of forecasting m odels in time series monthly pluvial precipitations...
Process capability índices for non-normal distributions: an application in the metallurgical...
Adjustment of geostatistical generalized linear models in counting data in different...
Models to relate variable soil and basal area of forest species in an area of natural...
Combined analysis of experiments in balanced incomplete block designs with some treatments...
Results: Displaying 10 of 480 on page 17 of 48