Genetics and Improvement of Plants
Results: Displaying 10 of 1127 on page 105 of 113
Genetic diversity, spatial genetic structure, mating system and gene flow in a population...
Componentes da produção relacionados a heterose em híbridos intervarietais de milho...
Comparative experimental designs for evaluation of half sib progenies of the car...
Inheritance analysis of the resistance to Puccinia psidii in Eucalyptus interspecific...
Recurrent selection with inbreeding in two maize populations: quantitative evaluation...
QTL identification in soybean related to root lesion nematode
Evaluation of the potential yield and their components in different strawberry clones...
Frequências de genes restauradores da fertilidade em raças e variedades de milho...
Simultaneous genetic progress: long-term results in flue-cured tobacco
Results: Displaying 10 of 1127 on page 105 of 113