Animal Science and Pastures
Results: Displaying 10 of 278 on page 1 of 28
Nitrogen rates and proportions of nitrate and ammoniun affecting yield, nitrate reductase...
Weight gain during the final period of growth and systematization of the carcass...
Efeitos da aplicação de calcário, fósforo, potássio e inoculante sôbre a produção...
Effect of different supplements on the performance of steers fed diets based on sugar...
Effect of manipulating the neural tube/notochord complex on standard myogenic factor...
Microbiology-fungicide interaction on the treatment of alfalfa seeds aiming at a...
Comparative study of three grasses of Panicum maximum Jacq. species (Colonião, Tobiatã...
Effects of dietary levels of protein and energy and management systems for young...
Results: Displaying 10 of 278 on page 1 of 28