Animal Science and Pastures
Results: Displaying 10 of 656 on page 51 of 66
Genetic and phenotypic parameters of the fatty acid profile of milk from Holstein...
Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of milk protein produced in Southeast...
Effects of glycerol on the metabolism of broilers fed diets with increasing levels...
Nitrogen and carbohydrate fractions in elephant grass pastures (Pennisetum purpureum...
Agronomic performance of Guaçu elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) and...
Genome-wide association and genetic parameters for fatty acids profile and meat quality...
Models of growth curves and random regression lines in national free-range chick...
Mapping of quantitative trait loci affecting performance and carcass traits on chicken...
Microbiologic characterization, fermentative parameters and aerobic stability of...
Dietary immunostimulants and biological, biochemical and hematological responses...
Results: Displaying 10 of 656 on page 51 of 66