Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 1448 on page 117 of 145
The evaluation of some soil properties of a ultisol cultiv ated with orange for eigtheen...
Sugarcane productivity and chemical soil quality as a function of crop rotation and...
Lithological discontinuity in dark-red latosol profiles: a Guamium series
Classificação e mineralogia de solos da Região de Sete Lagoas - MG
Simulation of water extraction by roots
Emission of greenhouse gases from soil cultived with pasture (Tifton 85) and irrigated...
Soil fertility for forage accumulation and nutrition of grazed Tanzânia-grass in...
Growth dynamic and nutrition of marandu grass grown in nitrogen rates
Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers varying in water solubility in soils...
Effects of sprinkler irrigation with treated sewage effluent, rich in sodium, on...
Results: Displaying 10 of 1448 on page 117 of 145