Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
Results: Displaying 10 of 1448 on page 127 of 145
Soil sampling system and evaluation of the availability of phosphorus in the phase...
Biogeoghemistry of trace elements in soils from estuarine systems: Mangroves from...
Potassium, calcium and sodium levels on yield and mineral composition of tropical...
Relative effect of triple superphosphate and thermphosphate on the yield and nutritive...
Weathering of minerals in a remineralizer
Socioenvironmental assessment of the use of treated sewage effluent in the irrigation...
Agronomic effectiveness of phosphate fertilizer varying in solubility
Effect of gypsum in the soil bioavailable phosphorus measured by three methods
Potentiality of Black Velvet bean as green manure for dryland rice grown in an Amazoniq...
Hydro-physical characterization and physical fractionation of organic matter in soil...
Results: Displaying 10 of 1448 on page 127 of 145