Forest Science
Results: Displaying 10 of 230 on page 23 of 23
Potencial of Eucalyptus spp micropropagation for forest implantation and for conduction...
Size and number of plots for sampling of the tree vegetation in a part of secondary...
The effects of Eucalyptus spp plantation on the nutrient dinamics in the savanna...
The effect of clearcutting of eucalyptus plantation on the water and nutrient budgets...
Evaluation of growth ano essential oil yield and quality Eucalyptus citriodora p...
Non pressure preservative treatment of round fence posts of Pinus caribaea Morelet...
Variations in the wood characteristics of Eucalyptus grandis Hlll ex Maiden and its...
Evaluation of work conditions and vibration exposure of machines opera tor in forest...
Performance and variability of Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Oken provenances in...
Water balance of the soil-plant-atmosphere system in four different vegetation covers...
Results: Displaying 10 of 230 on page 23 of 23