Forest Resources
Results: Displaying 10 of 684 on page 46 of 69
Simulation of the effect of forest restoration over time on the hydrological reg...
Floristic diversity, dendrology and dendroecology of seasonally deciduous forests...
Criteria for selection of potential street tree species for the global city of São...
Evolution of a universitycompany cooperative forestry program
Effect the cultural practices and seedlings quality in forest restoration of the...
Hymenaea courbaril L. (jatobá): genetic studies in natural population and forest...
Apical cuttings propagation, morphologic and molecular characterization of jabuticaba...
Genetic diversity of Miconia cinnamomifolia (D.C.) Naudin in anthropogenic areas...
Bioecology and environmental management of Cayenne-tick, Amblyoma cajennense (Fabricius)...
Pulp and wood quality from Eucalyptus globulus ssp globulus provenances
Results: Displaying 10 of 684 on page 46 of 69