Institutional and Development Economics
Results: Displaying 10 of 69 on page 5 of 7
Comunicação em política monetária: uma abordagem ampliada e evidências para o Br...
In search of the origins of the third sector: a critical assessment of the economic...
Welfare costs of taxation under sovereign default risk
Intermunicipal cooperation facing the public policy of health of the SUS - Brazi...
Inconvertible money, financial derivatives and fictitious capital: the modern logic...
Political business cycles: searching for empirical evidences for São Paulo state...
Dynamics of wage inequality in the formal sector of the state of São Paulo (1990-1998):...
The child labor reduction and the school attendance increase in the 90´s in Braz...
The capital structure of the banking sector in markets with incomplete contracts
Crimes at the cities in the state of São Paulo: a study around the social, economic...
Results: Displaying 10 of 69 on page 5 of 7