Results: Displaying 10 of 153 on page 3 of 16
The use of the GOCE mission data for characterizations and implications on the density...
Geophysics characterization of shallow targets with applications in the urban planning...
Geophysics investigations in the Border of the Sao Paulo sedimentary Basin, using...
VES and TEM Soundings Joint Inversion: Applications in Hydrogeology
The use of giant Gaussian process models to study the paleomagnetic field of the...
Study of geomechanical parameters of an experimental cell of municipal solid waste...
Crustal thickness in Northern Andes using pP and sS precursors recorded at teleseismic...
Geoelectric characterization of bituminous sandstones of Pirambóia Formation, Paraná...
Mapping of crystalline and sedimentary aquifers in Paraná basin using TEM fixed-...
Development and Building of Radioactive Concrete Pads for calibration of the airborne...
Results: Displaying 10 of 153 on page 3 of 16