Results: Displaying 10 of 154 on page 8 of 16
Study of diurnal variations of atmospheric gamma radiation and interference in airborne...
Low noise spontaneous potential logging applied to fracture flow characterizatio...
Analysis of fracture connectivity in crystalline rocks using well logging and percolation...
2D and 3D geophysical investigation with environmental applicatiom: study on a lubricant...
Use of geoeletric methods to identify barite bodies in the Vale do Ribeira regio...
A comparative study on the gravimetric geoid and the brasilian altimetric Datum
Parameter optimization of automatic phase detection and picking algorithms - Application...
Geophysical, Geochemical and Isotopic Analysis of the Figueira Branca Suite, Mato...
Analysis Procedures in Magnetics: Estimative of Remanent Magnetization Aiming for...
Radium content in ground waters from two wells drilled in the Morungaba Batholith,...
Results: Displaying 10 of 154 on page 8 of 16