History and Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism
Results: Displaying 10 of 449 on page 27 of 45
Supersurfaces: New Babylon (Constant Nieuwenhuys and Situationist Internacional,...
From journeyman to Jack - worker's construction formation and breakage of recognition...
The hotels of metropolis: the historical context of urban sao paulo by producing...
São Paulo in the dispute for the past: the "Monument to Independence", by Ettore...
Fundação de São Paulo, by Oscar Pereira da Silva: trajectories of an urban image
Prefabrication through the trajectory of Eduardo Kneese de Mello
Pré-fabrication and the work of Eduardo Kneese de Mello
A metropolis in transition: productive restructuring and the emerging of tourism...
Research as practice: think tanks and architecture and urbanism projects for the...
Military architecture in Salvador of Bahia (Brazil) - centuries XVI to XVIII
Results: Displaying 10 of 449 on page 27 of 45