History and Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism
Results: Displaying 10 of 448 on page 30 of 45
The city of Goiás as a world cultural heritage: mismatches between theories, discourses...
From the protection regulation to the urban rehabilitations: a study about the preservation...
School heritage: in addition to the architecture, the materiality of eritage in São...
Educacional architecture in São Paulo in the 30´s
The furniture in the urban housing in Minas Gerais of the XVIII and early XIX ce...
Architecture in São Paulo during Vargas period Art Déco and fascist architecture...
Anhembi Park: the production of an exhibition center in São Paulo (1963-1972)
Establishment and innovation: old and new in the urban'projects of Lina Bo Bardi
Salk Institute for Biological Studies: monumentality and tectonics after the modern...
Results: Displaying 10 of 448 on page 30 of 45