History and Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism
Results: Displaying 10 of 453 on page 32 of 46
Brazil according to Iphan: the conservation of Brazilian cultural heritage during...
Manufacturing the municipal heritage. The conservation actions of COMPAHC of São...
Competitions and São Paulos's contemporary architectural field autonomy
Pândegos,rábulas,gamelas: the non-graduated builders between engineering and architecture...
The licensed practical in São Paulo 1893-1933
Contemporary Art and Archive: how to make public the archive public?
The mechanical workshops on the Noroeste do Brasil Railroad Bauru - SP : for...
Guidelines for intervation in railway edifications of historical interest in the...
The reception and dissemination of Townscape theories in England , Italy , United...
Pietro Maria Bardi , chronicler review: 1976-1988
Results: Displaying 10 of 453 on page 32 of 46