History and Fundamentals of Architecture and Urbanism
Results: Displaying 10 of 450 on page 7 of 45
Everyday lines: Cunha between "Serra Acima" vilages and navy harbours (1776 - 18...
The "gambiarra" fundaments: the contemporary utilitirian improvisation and its socioeconomical...
Street/City dialogue: the case of São Paulo's rua Direita ( 1765-1977 )
Heritage as part of the development agenda and PAC-CH in São Paulo: strategies and...
Experience in the constructive work of Arnaldo Martino: thirteen residential pro...
The modern drawing of Saul Steinberg: work and context
Images of villages and towns of Brazil´s hinterland in the iconography and reports...
Hurtful memories in Buenos Aires: from ex concentration camps to sites of memory
Results: Displaying 10 of 450 on page 7 of 45