Architecture Project
Results: Displaying 10 of 233 on page 16 of 24
Copan Building: an architectural analysis inspired on the discipline of music an...
The rivers of the South American imaginary: about senses and project
Architecture industry: study of the scope of work of the architect in the design...
The rivers and the cities. Study of waterway Paraguay-Paraná-Plata and the surrouding...
Mutability and social housing: precedents and certification
The Invisible City: Infrastructure Networks - Possible Alternatives
Obati : Barueri - Utinga pipeline : studies and alternatives for the rearrangement...
Considerations about the teaching of architecture and urbanism in the capitalist...
From the limit to the permanence of the project
Architecture of the spetacle in scene
Results: Displaying 10 of 233 on page 16 of 24