Child and Teenagers Health
Results: Displaying 10 of 145 on page 10 of 15
Levels and complexity of IgA antibody against oral streptococcal in samples of human...
Early neonatal sepsis in children born in high and low risk referral services in...
Immunogenicity study of Hpv vaccine in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus...
Impact of COVID-19 control protocols on breastfeeding practices in Brazilian centers...
Otological and audiological findings in patients with IgA deficiency, common variable...
Non-nutritive suction and episodes of diarrhea in the cohort of births in Ribeirão...
The influence of gestational age and perinatal factors in hospital admissions in...
The age of menarche in schoolgirl in the city of Manaus, Brazil
Ophthalmological changes in patients with common variable immunodeficiency
Development and analysis of human milk concentrated with human milk lyophilized:...
Results: Displaying 10 of 145 on page 10 of 15