Results: Displaying 10 of 212 on page 14 of 22
Impact of fibromyalgia syndrome on the chewing and cervical muscles: electromyographic...
Maximum cervical muscular strength in healthy individuals: normative data and agreement...
Effect of physical exercise on the febrigenic signaling is modulated by preoptic...
Functional analysis of the effect of continuous magnetic field on ischemic gerbils...
Reliability of the thermal pain threshold with Quantiative Sensory Testing and its...
Evaluation of the mobility of the cervical spine and vertebral segment C1/C2 with...
Reference values and reliability for tests of lumbopelvic functional assessment
Acute effects of different stretching methods on maximal strength and power performance,...
Effects of non-functional overreaching on the insulin signaling pathway of mouse...
Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunctions, psychological aspects and quality of life...
Results: Displaying 10 of 212 on page 14 of 22