Results: Displaying 10 of 212 on page 19 of 22
Effect of the addition of abdominal contraction to shoulder exercices on the activation...
Clinical evaluation of the craniocervical system in healthy, migraine and neck pain...
Biomechanical effects of hand orthoses in the shoulder and elbow joints during functional...
Biomechanical analysis of the swimmers's shoulder after performing a maximal effort...
Effects of nonfunctional overreaching of the mTOR pathway in hepatic tissue of m...
Beginner's Intelligibility Test (BIT): translation, cross-cultural comparison to...
Cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese and validation of the Fear-avoidance...
The contribution of the anchor system on different body contact points in the postural...
Effects of asymmetrical load-carrying on locomotion control in young and older adults...
Analysis of influence of workplace exercise on functional performance and symptomatology...
Results: Displaying 10 of 212 on page 19 of 22