Nutrition and Metabolism
Results: Displaying 10 of 36 on page 2 of 4
Effects of resistant starch supplementation on metabolic parameters in c57black mice...
Assessment of mineral nutrients in intake and biological fluids in people with o...
Iodine nutritional status assessment of the population of a small municipality
Iodine nutritional status among pregnant women users of public health network of...
Evaluation of measures and adiposity indexes to predict cardiovascular risk in Dunnigan-type...
Experiences with non-conventional strategies in the nutritional treatment of obe...
Modified diet in phosphorus-protein ratio for patients with chronic kidney disease...
Resting energy expenditure in patients on home enteral nutrition due to disabling...
Body composition of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in the clinical prognosis...
Offering yacon syrup to women with polycystic ovary syndrome, overweight, or obesity:...
Results: Displaying 10 of 36 on page 2 of 4