Biological Oceanography
Results: Displaying 10 of 112 on page 1 of 12
Population structure, growth and reproduction of Maurolicus stehmanni Parin & Kobyliansky,...
Benthic-pelagic coupling dynamics on the inner shelf of Ubatuba (Sao Paulo, Braz...
Aspects of the time-space variation of the phytoplankton biomass and production and...
The Nematoda of the continental shelf of the Brazil's southern region under the influence...
Biological aspects and dynamics of the captures of the blue shark (Prionace glauca)...
Whales, wood and kelp islands in the deep-sea: ecological succession and species...
Fisheries interactions: implications on the conservation of franciscana, Pontoporia...
Analysis of the participation and role of neighborhood associations in the integrated...
Influence of sedimentary organic matter quantity and quality on the structure, vertical...
Age and relative growth of the blue shark embryos, Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758)...
Results: Displaying 10 of 112 on page 1 of 12