Physical Oceanography
Results: Displaying 10 of 56 on page 2 of 6
Analysis of the Heat Budget in the South Atlantic Ocean by Satelites
Dynamics of meso-scale interactions activity between Brazil Current and coastal upwelling...
Termohaline analysis of water masses located in the Western part of the Tropical...
Tridimensional structure of the wind-driven currents over southern Brazil continental...
Response of the South Brazil bight to summer seasonal and synoptic winds: numerical...
Analysis of sediment transport in the central region of Baixada Santista (SP) through...
Analysis of the current oscillations observed at Ilha Grande Bay (RJ)
Regional parametric model of the Brazil Current in the Campos Basin
Circulation and water masses in continental shelf of Ceará State: numerical modeling...
Observation of the Brazil-Malvinas front spectral variability and positional variation...
Results: Displaying 10 of 56 on page 2 of 6