Physical Oceanography
Results: Displaying 10 of 56 on page 4 of 6
The role of the local and remote effects on the upwelling system variabilities along...
The North Brazil undercurrent off the coast of northeast
Subdital Inner-Shelf currents between Peruíbe and São Sebastião: Observations
Characterization of physical-biological coupling caused by baroclinic Rossby wav...
Westward propagating signals in the Atlantic ocean: vortices or Rossby waves
Volume transport and hydrographic conditions in the São Sebastião Channel
Mesoscale baroclinic flow patterns off the Tubarão Bight and Abrolhos Bank
Future projections of the Southwest Atlantic in two global warming scenarios
Barotropic instability process of Brazil current at Santos Basin
The influence of antactic sea ice in the austral and southwest sector on the south...
Results: Displaying 10 of 56 on page 4 of 6