Physical Oceanography
Results: Displaying 10 of 56 on page 5 of 6
Variability of the Southern Ocean using a coupled model
Brazil Current System: a proposal for using XBT Data in its dynamical investigat...
Circulation on the Inner and Mild Continental Shelf of the State of São Paulo during...
Termohaline structure and water masses in the vicinity of Antartic Peninsula from...
Subtidal variability of the currents on the continental shelf off Cabo Frio (RJ):...
Numerical study of the circulationand of the termohaline Structureat the São Sebastião...
Oceanographic conditions in the São Sebastião channel: February 1994 through March...
Unstable Wares in the western boundary currents system off Abrolhos
On the origins of the Brazil Current
Brazil Current offshore Santos: direct measurements
Results: Displaying 10 of 56 on page 5 of 6