Philosophy and General Theory of Law
Results: Displaying 10 of 286 on page 24 of 29
Legislation and public policy: statutes as instruments of governmental action
Legislative Evaluation in Brazil: a case study of the rules that govern the voluntary...
Regulation and competition in public utility sectors: analysis of the Brazilian case...
Adam Smiths theory of justice: the historical misidentification between distributive...
A questão de terras no início da República : o Registro Torrens e sua (in)aplica...
Constitution, courts and social transformation: an analysis of the post 1988 Brazilian...
Justice et vérité: linterprétation heideggerienne de lallégorie de la caverne de...
Drawer of news, types of legal culture: law and slavery in the Bons Dias! column...
Taking consequences seriously: law, rationality and consequentialism
Legal dogmatic and technical oughts
Results: Displaying 10 of 286 on page 24 of 29