Psychiatry Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 517 on page 2 of 52
Psychosocial factors related to engagement in physical activity: a study with wo...
Nursing liaison psychiatric consulting as a possibility to support nurses in mental...
The relationship between the life trajectory and current stressors of women who were...
Social life of the CAPS: rebuilding subjectivities
Mental health nursing care, alcohol and other drugs at the General Hospital
Assistance related to suicidal and aggressive behavior in the Mobile Emergency Care...
Parental Educational Practices and Children's Mental Health
Atitudes related to suicidal behavior and suicide risk among undergraduate health...
Modelo explicativo de factores protectores socio ecologicos del consumo de alcohol...
The role of the DDAH1 and DDAH2 genes on the risk for developing erectile dysfun...
Results: Displaying 10 of 517 on page 2 of 52