Fundamental Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 941 on page 82 of 95
Effect of foot reflexology on tissue integrity of feet of people with "Risk For Impaired...
Patients in surgical treatment for chronic colorectal diseases: proposition and implementation...
Older adults in treatment for cancer: relationship among hope, depressive symptoms...
Facilitating and hindering aspects of the work of nurses in hospital management...
Health-related quality of life among people with hypertension in a unit of the health...
Professional practice environment, workload and omission of nursing care in Intensive...
Unstable pectoris angina: customers profile of a private institution
Real and illusory perceptions of patient after induced coma: aid from literature...
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Multidimensional Pain Evaluation Scale
El impacto de la revelación del diagnóstico de cáncer en la percepción de los pa...
Results: Displaying 10 of 941 on page 82 of 95