Fundamental Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 940 on page 88 of 94
Physical, psychological and cognitive changes presented by sepsis survivors after...
Root cause analysis of incidents related to patient safety in nursing care in inpatient...
Root cause analysis of medication errors at an inpatient unit of a university ho...
Health assessment for the management of the Unified Health System: an integrative...
The training of graduates in nursing : Focus on Health System?
Anxiety, depression and perceived stress in the perioperative period of patients...
Use of the Teleduc environment in undergraduate nursing teaching of medication administration:...
Development and validation of an instrument based on the summarized Core Set of the...
Clinical and biochemical indicators of cardiovascular risk in adults with eating...
Evaluation of anxiety, depression and self-esteem in nursing faculty of public and...
Results: Displaying 10 of 940 on page 88 of 94