Fundamental Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 940 on page 89 of 94
Construction and validation of an instrument to identify violence in nursing work...
The Hospital information system in the early recognition of surgical patients with...
Dimension of nursing staff in the operating room in a hospital in the north of P...
Cardiovascular risk factors of participants in campaigns to prevent and control arterial...
Indirect blood pressure measurement: assessment of a continuing education program...
Cancer risk and preventive behaviors: persuasion as an intervention strategy
Development and validation of digital technologies directed to the teaching of an...
The management of infections in palliative care patients in the end-of-life and active...
Barriers to the participation in a cardiac rehabilitation program: assessment before...
Anxiety, depression, sense of coherence and stressors in the pre- and postoperative...
Results: Displaying 10 of 940 on page 89 of 94