Fundamental Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 940 on page 92 of 94
Educative Intervention over Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose at Home on the Metabolic...
Evaluation of metabolic control of people with diabetes mellitus accessed in a Programme...
Individuals with spinal cord injury: nursing care based on functional assessment...
Neurogenic bladder rehabilitation: management methods, urological complications,...
Complications of stoma and peristomal skin in patients outpatients
Teaching-learning programs for the care of long-term central venous catheters in...
Evaluation of adherence to drug therapy in elderly hypertensive patients before...
Relationship between vital signs and plasma nitric oxide concentrations
Multidimensional Pain Measurement and Assessment Scale (EMMADOR-SABER): perception...
Care for patients with Alzheimer's disease under palliative care: integrative re...
Results: Displaying 10 of 940 on page 92 of 94