Public Health Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 773 on page 6 of 78
Knowledge and perception of students of a Nursing Technical course on violence against...
The knowledge of nurses and physicians from primary health care of Ribeirão Preto-...
The experience of breastfeeding in a context of intimate partner violence (IPV) and...
Prenatal care for adolescent mothers conducted in the primary care network of the...
Use of sucrose for pain relief: consequences on breastfeeding of fullterm newborns...
Physical activities and coronary heart disease: revising the literature
Non-parental child care and the social diversity of caregivers: perspectives of women...
Fertility preservation counseling for women of reproductive age diagnosed with cancer:...
Lymphedema after breast cancer: treatment protocol using high voltage electrical...
Itabuna Mobile Emergency Care System: the relation of decision-making to healthcare...
Results: Displaying 10 of 773 on page 6 of 78