Public Health Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 773 on page 7 of 78
Knowledge and practice of physical education academics in the public health sect...
Offering and integration of care in the treatment of tuberculosis: analysis from...
Premature infant breastfeeding care with parents: development and validation of a...
Assessment of pesticides used on sugarcane in groundwater: a proposal for the Guarani...
Perineal pain after natural childbirth with episiotomy: the measurement, characterization...
Prototype of an educational technology about appropriate diet for patients with chronic...
Elderly Hospitalizations by Primary Care Sensitive Conditions in a municipality...
Patient time in the search in first health service for the diagnosis of tuberculosis,...
Integrality senses produced with health workers in group relations
The Unified Health System Principles: nurses conceptions about working at the Family...
Results: Displaying 10 of 773 on page 7 of 78