Public Health Nursing
Results: Displaying 10 of 773 on page 8 of 78
Quality of life of community health agents from a western city in the interior of...
The impact of GeneXpert® MTB/Rif in the detection of tuberculosis and its spatial...
Areas of Risk of Tuberculosis Deaths and their Relationship with Social Vulnerability...
Burden of homecare patients' informal caregivers
Anemia among pregnant women attended by the SHS in Irati - PR 2004
Family Dynamics of a group of women with breast cancer
Translation and validation of the Eating Attitude Test (EAT 26) in female adolescents...
Symbolic violence among adolescents in emotional dating relationships and the social...
Domestic Violence: a study with aggressive mothers users of alcohol and drugs
Access and accessibility to cancer screening for Brazilian women with spinal cord...
Results: Displaying 10 of 773 on page 8 of 78